How often have you said, “Working out in the morning is not for me?” It may be time to reconsider your thinking. Our lifestyles change, our jobs change, our needs change; what wasn’t an option a year ago can be one now. As our lives progress, so should our habits.
I remember when I too used to think getting up at 5:00am for a workout would never be me; it’s not only cold outside, but dark and dreary. My bed, husband, and heating blanket felt way too good to disturb. I used to work out at night. Then when the babies came, it was any time I could spare -- no set time or hour. As the years passed, however, I went to work earlier and earlier, and before I knew it, my body clock was getting me up at 4:15am.
What made me get up at such an hour? What motivated me time after time? I always come back to the same answer: I feel so great after each and every workout. Even when I can’t give it my all, I know I’ve accomplished something. When my alarm goes off, I can’t help but focus on how great I’m going to feel in less than an hour. I love knowing that my workout is done for the day, and not hanging over my head. It takes less energy to actually get up and do my routine, than to stay in bed and avoid what I set out to do.
Working out in the morning literally shapes my day. It automatically motivates me to eat healthy. If I cheat on my diet, I know how hard I worked, so cheating is done in moderation. The invigoration and confidence boost I get from a morning workout also makes me feel like accomplishing more with my day!
So here are some tips and benefits to an early morning workout:
Studies show that when you exercise first thing in the morning, you burn calories more efficiently throughout the day.
Workout early once a week, instead of trying to change your routine quickly and drastically overnight. It takes time to change old habits, so be patient and be happy for that one day of early exercise.
Since working out in the morning requires a gradual change, so does your bedtime. Think about going to bed even half an hour earlier than usual, without TV, smartphone, or computer. You just might end up getting a more solid night’s sleep.
Set goals for yourself each day, and write them down the night before. I hate not checking off everything on my list! Accomplishments begin as soon as you step one foot out of bed and onto the floor.
Make a new playlist! Music is great for running, walking, biking, elliptical or stepper, and even lifting. It gets your blood pumping!
Change your workout program every 6 weeks. This will help you look forward to something new, plus changing things up helps break that plateau!!
Many of you may not know how to change up your program. You’re in the gym at 5:00am and thinking “NOW WHAT?”; you don’t know where to begin. Help is a click away -- you can schedule an appointment with me on this website.
Remember, it takes a while to form even our not-so-good habits, so be patient and keep trying as you start building your great habits! Persistence pays off!