How Healthy Are Cheat Days?

SO... you’ve committed to eating a healthy diet because you want to look and feel great.  You start to feel good about your health and then bam… the craving for junk food comes out of nowhere.  Many times it happens right after getting a good report regarding your health, or while you’re doing great with your diet.  This isn’t uncommon; rewarding yourself with food seems natural.  So how does the self-sabotage become a factor in this?

It’s called the inner rebellious child syndrome -- when we try to get away with something, or feel entitled to something counter to our goals and hard work.  It can also be a way of testing ourselves, to see if we can cheat and prove to ourselves that we can hop right back on the horse.  These aren’t the only reasons, but they’re the most common.

A way of preventing all the damage is to anticipate and prepare for it. First, the very word “dieting” connotes a negative, restricted way of living that’s not very realistic.  Habits need to change from within, not just superficially.  You’ll need to find out what’s eating YOU.  Secondly, the word “cheat” also has negative connotations.  “Cheating” is associated with shame or guilt.  When something is forbidden, we want it all the more!  On the flipside, labeling something as “healthy” can sometimes make us not so aware of our portion size.  That too can be used to rationalize a free-for-all.

The Solution?  Stop restricting  and start enjoying your food.  A healthy diet is not a “diet.”  Consume healthy, beneficial, nutrient-rich foods overall, and you can still have your cookie to munch on each day -- just keep in mind portion control!  You’re not depriving yourself, you’re not overdoing it, make sense?  If you follow these next few steps, weight loss won’t be so difficult and you can go virtually the rest of your life without being so consumed about dieting!

  • Listen to your appetite and gage your hunger from a 1-10.  You should be around a 7 when finishing.

  • Enjoy treats from time to time, maybe even every other day , but keep it small.

  • Savor every bite.  TASTE what you’re eating, and chew slowly.  If we enjoy eating so much, why be in such a rush to finish it?

The takeaway is to enjoy your food without guilt. Taste, savor, and portion control.  Then the foods you eat WON’T CONSUME YOU!

Francesca LociceroComment