Today let’s talk about the truth of why most diets don’t work… and let you in on 10 ways for you to start discovering the perfect diet for you.
Why am I talking about finding the perfect diet for you?
First let me explain the differences between a diet and a fad diet! A fad diet by definition refers to restrictions, starvation or deprivation of foods.
The other diet refers to what we eat in a day, a certain eating lifestyle. What I’m trying to steer away from is the quick fix reputation that the word diet has. Soooo , now that that’s established, let’s move on.
You’ve probably heard the statistic that 95% of dieters can’t keep the weight off, and when they gain it back they often gain MORE than they weighed before.
Research has proven that dieting can backfire AND mess up your metabolism.
What’s important about this dieting statistic?
This statistic is important because it’s likely that you want to drop a few pounds so you can not only feel healthy but feel great in your clothes, wear the latest styles, look great on the beach and most importantly, feel confident in your own skin.
And you deserve to have those results!
But if diets don’t work, then what does? If you know me, dieting and restrictions are against my way of having permanent weight loss!! THEY DON'T WORK!!
Here are my 10 ways to start discovering the perfect eating lifestyle change for you… Because you won’t find it in any diet book. I’ve compiled these 10 “paradigms” on discovering your perfect diet from working with clients in my health coaching practice. One client, Kathy, after working with these 10 paradigms, lost 18 lbs. Chances are good these paradigms will work for you, too!
10 Paradigms To Help You Discover The Perfect Diet For You:
1. There are as many “right” diets as there are people on the planet!
2. What’s healthy for one person might not be healthy for YOU.
3. The body has an innate wisdom beyond any book or authority.
4. Diets are not useful as dogma, but they ARE useful as a reference.
5. Your body is the ultimate dietary authority for every phase of your life.
6. Your diet changes as YOU change.
7. Your body is the most powerful, least expensive and BEST dietary experimentation lab.
8. Your RELATIONSHIP with food & your body impacts your health more than the food you eat.
9. Symptoms, cravings and behaviors are not the problem, they are your only solutions till now.
10. Nourishment is about much more than just food.
It might be scary at first to think that YOU actually have more control of your weight loss experience than a “diet” does. Most of my clients (once they really open up to this possibility) find it totally liberating and start to feel empowered instead of fearful.
What do I do now?
I get that this is a whole new way of looking at your food and your life—it’s in essence, a huge paradigm shift. How great is that? Now you get to look at the things that weren’t working before through a whole new lens! One that puts YOU at the center of your life. Now that’s empowering!
If you are tired of all the confusion with the latest diet fads and sick of following health and wellness trends that don’t work for you, then click below now to schedule a time to talk to me about diving deeper into these revelations and what it really means to be living in YOUR body.
I guarantee you will walk away feeling empowered to choose the way that will move you forward andthat feels right in your whole body. You’ll strengthen your relationship with the one person that matters most in your life—YOU!
To your health!