
AHHH…. The million dollar question...or is it?   Yes, it’s an age-old question but probably not a very complicated one to answer..

Maybe the question should be “How come so few are willing to do the work to be successful.”  Human nature?  Go with the flow?  Or is it the  “I don’t need much” mentality (aka just plain lack of desire.) Is it brought on by confusion, laziness, self defeating thoughts, past failures or lack of motivation?  

Being too overwhelmed can play a large part in not moving forward.  Being frustrated with our own defeats and mistakes can also be a reason.   We might feel we’re not smart enough and capable of better.  

What are our options?

DOOR # 1:  Easier to lay low and do nothing? 


DOOR # 2:  Harder to get off your butt, find the answer and then APPLY!  PROBLEM GONE!

(Door # 2 might seem more difficult, in actuality it’s the easier route.  For me...I’ll take door # 2 thank you very much.  I’ll like myself a whole helluva lot better, feel good and move on to my next goal.)

In door # 1 we play small and within our comfort zone.(that’s not comfy for me)

Changing the old story that we're constantly telling ourselves has to be the starting point for any of us to push forward and forge ahead.  

Hey, we’ve all been knocked around from life, but who hasn't?  If your perspective is holding you back...then it’s time to get a new one.  How long can you hold onto a negative attitude while the world around us keeps moving? Excuses can only last for so long.Then misery can settle in.


RELENTLESS ACTION = a different level of commitment and momentum. Create a strong goal that you can taste, see, feel and smell…..you’ll be glad you did!  Make the desire to succeed SO STRONG that there is no other option but to succeed. 

Have you ever done something with such a sense of urgency that all of a sudden the obstacles were never there?  Self doubt is gone. You had a tunnel vision that was so strong you could visualize the end result.  Creating that sense of urgency is key.  Knowing your “why” is so important, otherwise it’s just a pipe dream.

If committing to a healthier you is of utmost importance to you….how do you keep yourself focused…..even when your life depends on it?  How do you keep going even when you’re not in the  mood  and you’re just not into it?

SEE THE END RESULT AND WORK ON ONE THING AT A TIME.   Yes, the answer is that simple.  Author Gary Keller explains in his book  “The One Thing,” that  taking massive action on one thing ONLY, opens up so many doors to succeeding at all the big stuff..  Baby steps, small habit changes and patience is key.  Taking massive action does not mean to drop everything and take on a million different changes at once.   What it does mean is for you to take ONE THING and MASTER IT!!

Ex:  Not a water drinker???   Work on JUST THAT for one week...JUST THAT…. THAT’S IT…... NOTHING ELSE!  Where do you think you’ll be in one week if that’s all you worked on?  It becomes your new habit because you took the time to master it.  Bam, done…..next…….

Takes the pressure off doesn’t it?  Can you see how much more enjoyable the journey would be?  There’s no overwhelm, no confusion.  Just one problem to solve at a time. Then…. time to move onto the next thing. This is progress!!!  Enjoyable progress!

Committing to being successful in anything is really about keeping the proper mindset and perspective even when the going gets tough.   It’s no surprise challenges will be headed our way, so expect it and  map out the solution.  Take the worry and anxiety out of trying to nail down a new  healthy habit. 

Lack of thinking ahead is the very thing that keeps us stuck.  Expect the obstacle, don’t be surprised or defeated about it and move on!!  So when the obstacles do come, you’ll say, “There you are, I was expecting you..and here’s my solution.”

Journaling is a great tool to use, especially on a daily basis.  Our thoughts, intentions and desires need to be made clear to OURSELVES, otherwise it’s just another fleeting thought.  Writing, even when you don’t know what to say in your journal, will help make it flow.  Everyone needs a little nudge and a starting point.  Watch the floodgates open!!

The eye opener will come with consistency and working on the clarity of the goal.  Reading back in your past journal  is a game changer. Seeing the progress that we've made over the weeks, months and years is proof in writing, right before our eyes.  If it’s not written down, sometimes we can forget about the previous struggles.  Seeing how we handled  things in the past can  build strength, trust and a feeling of progress and growth….we all need that!

Applying these action steps for any kind of success builds excitement to take on our next goal.  You’ll feel accomplished and  at ease with the obstacles. Failure is no longer looked upon as a failure but rather a stepping stone. Attempting new habits and goals will no longer be considered risk taking but growth steps.