Eat Healthy Today
Garlic’s personal info:
Available: All year round
From: California June till December, Mexico shortly after
Refrigerate: Not recommended
Shelf life: 1 month
GARLICS HEALTH BENEFITS: lowers blood pressure, lowers serum triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, increase HDL cholesterol, fibrinolysis (a process that breaks down blood clots). Also helps prevent atherosclerosis, diabetic heart disease, and reduce the risk of heart and stroke. Studies have also shown to help prevent weight gain. Reduces inflammation and help relieve pain due from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Promotes bone building, muscle building protein, and sleep promoting.
GARLIC FACTS: used for culinary and medicinal purposes. High in nutrients, with many vitamins and minerals. One of its sulfur compounds is allicin which promotes antioxidant activity and functions as a powerful antibacterial and anti- viral agent that joins forces with vitamin C to help kill harmful microbes.
BEST WAY TO SELECT GARLIC: Look for bulbs that are plump. Gently squeeze the garlic between your fingers, it will feel firm with no trace of dampness. Avoid garlic that is soft shriveled, moldy or has begun to sprout. Garlic in either flake, powder, or paste form has less flavor.
BEST WAY TO STORE GARLIC: Store in an uncovered or loosely covered container in a cool dark place from heat and bright light. Do not refrigerate since moisture in the garlic will cause it to spoil.
HEALTHIEST WAY OF COOKING GARLIC: Best way to eat garlic is when it is raw or very quickly cooked. If you cannot tolerate raw, throw it in at the very end of cooking your other vegetables or food. Both flavor and nutrients diminish the longer it is cooked. Chop or press garlic and let it sit for 5-10 minutes, so as to preserve all its nutrients. Do not cook garlic in oil with high heat, it will cause it to release free radicals, therefore losing its nutrients. Slowly cook up to 15 minutes on low heat.
GUACAMOLE: Mix together 2 cloves of pressed garlic, 2 medium mash potatoes, juice of half a lime, ½ tsp. cumin, pinch of cayenne and sea salt to taste. Serve with blue tortilla chips.
EGGPLANT GARLIC DIP: Remove skin from medium cooked eggplant and place flesh in a mixing bowl. Mash with a fork. Add 4 cloves finely minced, 2 tbs minced cured olives, salt to taste. Mash with the eggplant. Sprinkle with minced parsley and drizzle with olive oil. Serve with crudites.