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Health Coaching

Let’s face it, men and women are always trying to not only transform their bodies but also maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. Sometimes we don’t know what to do to change our bodies or our health, but more often it’s that we’re stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out of it. Most all of our behavior occurs out of habit, either unconsciously or in reaction to external demands. That’s why we struggle to make changes that last. Even when the need for change is obvious and our intentions are strong, we often fall short. Why is that? It all begins with our mindset. If we don’t have the proper approach or thinking, how could we ever expect to maintain our drive to stay healthy?

Doctors, dietitians and other practitioners either don’t have the time or the skills to help people stay motivated and follow through to get a lasting result. So people default to their set habits, even when they know those habits make them feel lousy. Without the right support and accountability, this dysfunctional cycle will continue and in many cases, get worse. That’s where health coaches like me come in, to provide the right SYSTEM, SUPPORT and ACCOUNTABILITY so you can - finally - make a total body transformation.

What will you discover from our Health Coaching Sessions:

  • What’s been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from having the health, body and mindset that you want

  • A powerful vision for your health and body transformation, and what it will mean to you and your life

  • Leading you in the right direction to becoming a healthier individual

  • A step-by-step solution to create a total health and body transformation

Health Coaching Options:

  • 4-Week Jumpstart:

    • In addition to what you will discover from these Health Coaching Sessions, you will also receive…

    • A 28-day guided food plan followed by an app

    • Weekly coaching (once a week- 45 minutes) to keep you focused, motivated, and engaged

    • 1 Personalized Workout program adjusted to your skills and level

    • A way to introduce a different way of thinking towards dieting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle

  • 8-Week Health Coaching Program:

    • In addition to what you will discover from these Health Coaching Sessions, you will also receive…

    • A 60-day guided and detailed food plan followed by an app

    • Weekly coaching (once a week- 60 minutes) to keep you focused, motivated, engaged

    • 2-3 Personalized Workout programs adjusted to your skills and level

    • More hands on, detailed, and committed approach to health coaching

  • 12-Week Health Coaching Program:

    • In addition to what you will discover from these Health Coaching Sessions, you will also receive…

    • A 90-day guided and detailed food plan followed by an app, that improves and progresses throughout the 12 weeks so one does not plateau

    • Weekly coaching (once a week- 60 minutes) that not only keeps you focused, motivated, and engaged, but committed to a sustainable lifestyle change

    • 3-5 Personalized Workout programs adjusted to your skills and level

    • More long-term, detailed, and committed approach to health coaching as well as a better understanding as to why past attempts to healthy lifestyles have failed

New Summer Special!

50% Off Health Coaching/Personal Training Combo

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Take advantage of this amazing summer sale opportunity! From now until July 24th, we will be offering a 50% off sale on our Health Coaching/Personal Training Combo (normally $750). For only $375, you will not only receive the right training (designed specifically for YOU) to help you get in shape, but you will receive amazing support and guidance to help you stay committed in your health journey. See and feel a difference through these 4 one-hour sessions of health training and 4 one-hour sessions of personal training! Please see the flyer for more details about signing up!


Sign up for Health Coaching! See Form Below!