14-Day Detox Cleanse Begins April 4th!
Do you have extra pounds that won’t come off with diet and exercise? Would you like to cleanse and not be hungry? Offering a 14-Day detox cleanse that will make you feel brand new.
14-Day Cleanse:
Cleanse Broken Down into 3 Phases:
Phase 1:
Pre-cleanse for 2 days
Making the commitment to setting your intentions by shopping for your ingredients, setting up your mental and emotional space to adhere to cleanse
Getting prepared and ready for cleanse before diving in
Clearing space (physically and mentally) and getting excited!
Phase 2:
7 days
Following simple elimination diet plan and body practices (breathing exercises, meditation, exfoliating, etc.)
Phase 3:
5 days
Reintroduction to food
Introduce foods back into your diet one by one to identify food sensitivities and intolerances and create a maintained diet that best serves your unique body
Shed excess weight (abdominal weight)
Boost your energy
Feel lighter and cleaner
Decrease your craving for unhealthy foods
Experience deeper sleep and cleaner skin
Improve digestion (less gas and bloating)
Enhance body’s ability to mobilize and excrete toxins
Decrease congestion and allergy symptoms
Discover food sensitivities
Create healthy habits that enliven you
*NOTE: This is not a liquid cleanse! You need to eat, and you need to feel satisfied!*
Question About Our 14-Day Cleanse?
Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!